Johnny Depp Explains His Graphic Text Exchange with Paul Bettany About Amber Heard

Johnny Depp Explains His Graphic Text Exchange with Paul Bettany About Amber Heard

On the witness stand last week, Johnny Depp‘s graphic text exchange with his friend, Marvel actor Paul Bettany, was revealed to the court.

You can read the entire exchange here, but in part, they wrote back and forth to each other in 2013 about burning and drowning Amber Heard‘s body. Specifically, Johnny texted, “Let’s drown her before we burn her!!! will f— her burnt corpse afterward to make sure she’s dead.”

Click inside to read his explanation on the stand…

On Monday (April 25), Johnny was on the stand yet again and was asked to explain these texts.

“It’s directly from Monty Python in a sketch about burning witches and drowning witches. This is a film we had all watched when we were 10. It’s just irreverent and abstract humor. That’s what we were referring to in those texts,” Johnny said. He also remarked that “no one” was privy to these texts except for him and Paul.

Johnny then went on to explain that Paul and Amber did not get along.

Johnny continued with a story about when Paul and his family joined him and Amber on his private island, saying, “Ms. Heard despised Mr. Bettany mainly because we had become such close friends and for her, he was a threat and would take me away from her with regard to…if Paul Bettany was getting the attention from me. That was a show stopper. It would cause all kinds of unpleasantries to the point when we were on the island with Mr. Bettany, his wife [Jennifer Connelly] and his four children. Ms. Heard and Mr. Bettany got into some debate over lunch. And I just remember whenever Mr. Bettany tried to make a point, she would talk over him…she got mean. and she got loud. and then his 18-year-old boy…he entered the conversation because it had something to do with what he studied at school…he voiced his opinion. Ms. Heard demeaned this young man to the point where he burst into tears and walked away. It was at that point that I had spoken to Ms. Heard and said ‘that’s unacceptable. that behavior is unacceptable…you cannot always be right.’”

Paul previously commented on these texts messages a few months ago.

Source: Showbiz PH Insider
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