Sen.Hontiveros Condemns Marawi Seige “Hindi rebelyon ang pagsalakay ng mga Maute Group”

Senator Risa Hontiveros on Saturday insisted the necessity for a joint session to discuss the report of President Rodrigo Duterte on his martial law declaration in Mindanao following the Maute group’s assault in Marawi City.

“The legislature has the constitutional duty to scrutinize the report of the President around the declaration of martial law prior to a joint session. We have the duty to evaluate when the declaration has basis or not. Even when the declaration appears to possess the support of the vast majority of our lawmakers, the structure mandates us to listen to all voices, particularly those who raise legitimate concerns more than the implementation of the proclamation,” Hontiveros said in a assertion.

Senate President Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel earlier said Congress only needs to convene jointly if it intends to revoke or restrict the President’s purchase while Home Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez expressed support for Duterte’s declaration.

House Majority Chief Rodolfo Fariñas had said the Home and the Senate only require to convene when the submission is made by the President to Congress himself.

Hontiveros called on the lawmakers to not take the issue “lightly.”

“With all due regard towards the leaders of the two chambers of the legislature, but how can we get the exact feeling of the vast majority of the lawmakers if we do not convene inside a joint session? I hope the legislature isn’t taking the declaration of martial law lightly,” Hontiveros added.

Hontiveros stated there are no provisions in the 1987 Structure that say a joint session on martial law declaration is optional.

She also stated the a joint session could be an opportunity for lawmakers to show the general public exactly where they stand on the present issues.

“The individuals should have to know exactly where their lawmakers stand on this important make a difference. When they believe they stand on the correct side of history, I don’t see why Congress cannot convene a joint session,” Hontiveros said.

Malacañang submitted on Thursday evening to Congress the formal report on Duterte’s choice to declare martial law in Mindanao.

Duterte placed the entire of Mindanao under martial law at 10 p.m. Tuesday subsequent noted assaults of the Maute group in Marawi City.

The local terror team torched several constructions in the city, such as schools and a Catholic church, throughout the assault. Several people had been also killed and kidnapped from the Maute group associates.



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